Japanese Nationality

Those who have or will acquire foreign citizenship:
  • Dual Nationality: If you possess Japanese and foreign nationality (dual nationality), you are required to choose one of those nationalities before you reach 20 years of age (or within two years of the day you acquired the second nationality if you acquired such nationality after the day you reached 18 years of age).
    • Choosing Japanese Nationality: you are required to submit Kokuseki-Sentaku Todoke to the Embassy of Japan in the U.S. or the office of the city, ward, town or village in Japan where you claimed residence.
    • Choosing a foreign Nationality: you are required to submit Kokuseki-Ridatsu Todoke to the Embassy of Japan in the U.S. or the office of the city, ward, town or village in Japan. You MUST visit the Embassy in person, unless you are 14 years old or younger (a legal representative can submit these documents on behalf of an applicant younger than 14).
  • Japanese nationals acquiring US citizenship: if a person with Japanese nationality wishes to acquire foreign citizenship and proceeds to naturalize, apply to acquire citizenship, or restore a lost foreign citizenship of his/her own will, then that person will lose their Japanese nationality. They will NOT be considered to have dual nationality. You must submit “Kokuseki-Soushitsu Todoke” within 3 months. (Kokuseki-Soushitsu page in Japanese)
    • The loss of Japanese nationality for a newborn: If one or both parents are Japanese nationals (or if an acknowledgement of prenatal paternity has already been submitted for a child born between a foreign mother and Japanese father out of wedlock), then the child will have Japanese nationality by birth. However, if a child born abroad also acquires foreign citizenship by birth, a Birth Registration indicating an intention to reserve Japanese nationality must be submitted within 3 months of the child’s birth or the child will lose Japanese nationality retroactively from their time of birth (Birth Certificate page in Japanese).

Kokuseki-Ridatsu Todoke (A person with dual nationality choosing a foreign nationality)

  • You must come to the Embassy in person to submit Kokuseki-Ridatsu Todoke.
  • An appointment is required.
application form Kokuseki-Ridatsu Todoke (sample)
Two ways to obtain the “Kokuseki-Ridatsu Todoke”:
  1. Visit the Embassy and fill out the form on site.
  2. Mail a REQUEST FORM along with a prepaid and self-addressed return envelope (9.5" x 12.5" sized envelope with your name and address, and 3 forever stamps included). The Embassy will mail you the register form, then you can fill it out.
2 (at the window or by mail)
passport Your most current Japanese passport (please submit it even if the passport is expired) Original
passportID Certificate of your nationality
  • If you were born in the U.S.: Valid U.S. passport or Birth Certificate
  • If you were born outside of the U.S.: Certificate of Birth Abroad (for details, please contact the U.S. Department of State)
1 (original)
Translations of the Passport or Birth Certificate 2
When you submit a Birth Certificate, please also submit notarized affidavits and their translations 2 for each
ID Proof of your current address such as a driver’s license or utility bill. Original
ID Translations of proof of current address Please prepare translations on your own for documents other than a driver’s license. 2

Kokuseki-Soushitsu Todoke (A person with Japanese nationality acquiring foreign nationality)

For submissions at the Embassy

application form Kokuseki-Soushitsu Todoke (sample)
Two ways to obtain the “Kokuseki-Soushitsu Todoke”:
  1. Visit the Embassy and fill out the form on site.
  2. Mail a REQUEST FORM along with a prepaid and self-addressed return envelope (9.5" x 12.5" sized envelope with your name and address, and 3 forever stamps included). The Embassy will mail you the register form, then you can fill it out.
2 (at the window or by mail)
Certificate of Naturalization
We will return the certificate after the confirmation
Translation of the Certificate of Naturalization 2
passport Your most current Japanese passport (please submit it even if the passport is expired) Original
ID Proof of your current address such as a driver’s license or utility bill. Original

For submissions by mail

Please do NOT submit the original passport and proof of address.

application form Kokuseki-Soushitsu Todoke (sample)
Two ways to obtain the “Kokuseki-Soushitsu Todoke”:
  1. Visit the Embassy and fill out the form on site.
  2. Mail a REQUEST FORM along with a prepaid and self-addressed return envelope (9.5" x 12.5" sized envelope with your name and address, and 3 forever stamps included). The Embassy will mail you the register form, then you can fill it out.
2 (at the window or by mail)
Notarized affidavits and their translations 2 for each
passport Your most current Japanese passport (please submit it even if the passport is expired) 1 copy
ID Proof of your current address such as a driver’s license or utility bill. 1 copy

Mailing Address

Consular Section/Embassy of Japan, Koseki-Kakari

2520 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008

電話: 202-238-6800

Kokuseki-Sentaku Todoke (when you choose Japanese nationality)

For submissions at the Embassy

application form Notification of Declaration to Choose Japanese Nationality (you swear that you choose to be a Japanese national and that you renounce the foreign nationality)
Two ways to obtain the “Kokuseki-Sentaku Todoke”:
  1. Visit the Embassy and fill out the form on site.
  2. Mail a REQUEST FORM along with a prepaid and self-addressed return envelope (9.5" x 12.5" sized envelope with your name and address, and 3 forever stamps included). The Embassy will mail you the register form, then you can fill it out.
2 (at the window or by mail)
passport Your most current Japanese passport (please submit it even if the passport is expired) Original
ID Proof of your current address such as a driver’s license or utility bill. Original
ID Proof of lawful presence in the U.S.
  • Green card, visa, I-20, etc.
  • Birth Certificate for dual citizens born in the U.S.
  • Dual citizens born outside of the U.S. are required to bring their birth certificate known as the Consular Report of Birth Abroad (for the details, please contact the U.S. Department of State).
Original (will be returned)

For submissions by mail

Please do NOT submit the original passport and proof of address.

application form Notification of Declaration to Choose Japanese Nationality 2 (at the window or by mail)
passport Your most current Japanese passport (please submit it even if the passport is expired) Copy
ID Proof of your current address such as a driver’s license or utility bill. Copy
ID Proof of lawful presence in the U.S. Copy

Mailing Address

Consular Section/Embassy of Japan, Koseki-Kakari

2520 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008

TEL: 202-238-6800

Additional Information



Consular section:

(202) 238-6800


M-F 9:00am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-5:00pm

Office Hours

  • No appointment required.
  • Please check our holidays before visiting.
Location Embassy of Japan Consular Section:
2520 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20008
Hours Monday-Friday 9:15am - 11:30am, 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Embassy map

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